If you’re a billionaire, act like one #shorts



  • John Chessant 3 years ago

    No, let them cry. Billionaire tears add some sweet flavor when we eat the rich

  • Too Much Drama In The Milky Way Galaxy 3 years ago

    How did you get to the meeting?
    Bezos: I took my private helicopter to my private Yacht, then left my Yacht in my smaller Yacht, to get in my limousine that drove me to my private jet, that dropped me off on my private runway so I could have this meeting VIA Skype in my 50,000 square foot mansion about stopping the plebs from Unionizing.

  • Nonya Bizness 3 years ago

    a billionaire “pow pow”ed himself into space today.
    thumbs up for kinda sorta thinking that if he doesn’t come back, it will prove that money can’t buy everything.

  • i cant splel 3 years ago

    There is no a violin small enough in this world to play for them

  • juan ortiz 3 years ago

    Donald Trump always pride himself as being the richest person ever and sue anyone who dare to research his actual worth or placed him lower… Yet he serve cheap McDonald’s fast food at the white house and acted like it was fine cuisine.

  • Aadil Ahmed 3 years ago

    Can’t hate those who built their own wealth

  • Geraldine Gaggia 3 years ago

    Don’t know what to say or think.

  • MLG GAMER 3 years ago

    Billionaires are like the highest form of Karenism by far

  • Nonya Bizness 3 years ago

    it would take 37 YEARS to count to one billion, IF you counted a number EVERY SINGLE SECOND, 24/7/365, which is impossible.

    it is a mind-numbing quantity of money that no single human being should be allowed to hoard. every dollar they hoard is a dollar not circulating in the economy, which is what money was invented to do- facilitate trade.

    and billionaires make most of their money off their ~money~, which should not be a thing. if you put a billion into a savings account at 1% interest, you would get 10 million dollars a year for doing absolutely NOTHING. no one needs $10 million a year.

  • Love,L. 3 years ago

    Should of taken it deeper…

  • Cisco Pim 3 years ago

    If I made a dollar everytime he said “billionaire” I’d be making money in a really strange way

  • Cisco Pim 3 years ago

    He’s basically just saying “billionaire” pandering to his socialist audience

  • The One Above All 3 years ago

    Says a black centimillionaire who always complains that America is systematically racist, says that wealth should be more evenly distributed while he earns 16 mil every year….the hypocrisy is unbearable at this point!

  • kristin russo 3 years ago

    I think the 17 down votes are all billionaires.


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