Harm Reduction: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published on March 28, 2022

John Oliver discusses why overdoses in the U.S. have been on the rise and what we should, and shouldn’t, be doing to prevent them.


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  • J. Roberts 2 years ago

    Could re-title this: Tell me you do not understand Addiction without telling me you do not understand Addiction. Sadly folks there is only one way to get even close to effective drug regulation and that is to go after the manufacture and distribution instead of the user and well, as literally EVERYBODY is aware; there is too much money flowing for that to work.

    Funny that I am not even exaggerating, literally everyone knows that the need/love of money is the direct cause for pretty much everything wrong or evil but also literally NO-ONE is willing or able to change things enough to have any meaningful effect. Or rather, the people who are able are not willing and the people who are willing are not able.

    Much easier to sit in ones own little bubble either wringing hands or pointing fingers.

  • Redsaphir 2 years ago

    Russians used Fentanyl as bioweapon in 2002. In Moskau cinema. 145 people died.

  • Soff1859 2 years ago

    In the 80s and 90s Switzerland was the heroin capital of Europe. We tried the american approach of punishing the shit out of everyone for years and years and ended up with a small island right next to Zurich main train station full of thousands of people using heroin openly day and night. With all the downsides you can imagine: many daily overdose deaths, robberies, AIDS, street prostitution, needles and actual shit everywhere etc.

    Then we switched to a harm reduction appproach with safe injection sites. The number of heroins users went down massively. AIDS transmissions, drug related street crime, overdoses etc. all went down by well over 90 percent in a few years. Nowadays Zurich has fewer new heroin users per year, than per day back then. And the people using these facilities are almost all pretty old now, because no young people get hooked anymore.

    Plus the then health minister who introduced this new approach is to this day living right across the street from one of those injection sites in Geneva and she is now the head of the UNs global commission on drug policy.

  • Regular Person 2 years ago

    Poverty is the main source for drug addiction and violent crimes in our society.

  • CarlosIII 2 years ago

    Portugal has done this for decades, redosing by 50% the consuption of drogs.

  • Jon Reed 2 years ago

    Don’t forget that you can still get pregnant from a public toilet seat!

    And using condoms can get you pregnant and cancer and an overdose of plasticity all at the same time.
    It is the trifecta of diseasism.
    It is basically a spermicizoidal shooting gallery.
    The who’s who of diseased misinformation.

  • Tomasz Kojak 2 years ago

    Henry Heimlich, USA: This maneuver will save your life.
    John Oliver, Britain: I would rather die than feel your touch.

  • TUN3PLUG 2 years ago

    The real problem is that ALL DRUGS NEED TO BE LEGAL. Get it out of the underground and into a legal regulated market space.

  • badgrand 2 years ago

    I totally believed the inhalation-myth(that inhaling/exposure of fentanyl is deadly).
    If memory serves me I do remember seeing it in a HBO documentary Crime Of The Century 2021.

  • Andee Christian 2 years ago

    The #1 opioid harm reduction centers are not approved is those not suffering believe themselves SUPREME to those who are. Same reasons domestic violence shelters, homeless shelters, low-income housing is not approved. And why ADA is not enforced. White supremacy. Period.

  • Marijuanifornia 2 years ago

    Play the 1942 USDA film *Hemp For Victory* on your show.
    Stop wasting everyone’s time. How many years have you had a show? *Hemp For Victory* is less than 14 minutes long and will change everything.

  • Pablo Quijada Salazar 2 years ago

    This whole topic is basically:
    Addict: life was hard, so I turned to drugs. Then people made life even harder, so I turned to drugs more.

  • Oli M 2 years ago

    #ISupportSCSinPhilly #SupportSafehouse

  • Miles Criffield 2 years ago

    I can’t beleive I used to like this corporate schill

  • Hershy 2 years ago

    Just another one of America’s problems fueled by racism and supercharged by stupidity

  • Marco Reus 2 years ago

    Drugs brought us Euphoria.

  • Timothy Mitchell 2 years ago

    How did a person this bad become our president? Hate for another person.


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