Before Joe Biden’s Fist Bump, There Was The Secret Handshake of FDR and Stalin

Published on July 19, 2022

It’s actually quite impressive that they just came up with that handshake on the spot. #Colbert #Comedy #ColdOpens

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  • Cor Malum 2 years ago

    I wouldn’t have shaken MBS`s hand either. He might have just used a bone saw with that hand.

  • S N 2 years ago

    I presume this is the faux Biden Outrage equivalent of the Obama Tan Suit Outrage. Honestly, he should have wore a tan suit, just to troll the trolls.

  • SpinDasher91 2 years ago

    Fist bump confirmed as a segment in a comedy show!!

  • B G 2 years ago

    Anyone criticizing Biden for meeting with MBS must acknowledge the grave consequences for Ukraine and Europe this winter for not meeting with MBS.

    For progressives, we must recognize that — warts and all — our progressive agenda has never had a better ally in the White House, and Senator Sanders reiterates this point routinely.

    In just one example of the historic gains made, we’ve cut severe child poverty by half (disproportionately affecting Black children and children-of-color).

    Joe and Bernie have worked together and have passed history-making parts of the most progressive legislative agenda in U.S. history.

  • GAF / LS 2 years ago

    How short our memories are. We were fist bumping and elbow bumping during covid with no connotation of what’s up bro. Covid infections are still rising worldwide so maybe this isn’t such a bad idea. And after traveling to Saudi Arabia to negotiate oil for the US and the rest of the world, was Biden going to disrespect a foreign leader by not shaking his hand? He probably thought it was a compromise. Biden is no fool.Give the man a break.

  • John Harrison 2 years ago

    Colbert defending the worst President of our lifetime yet again.

  • Tre999 2 years ago

    Hey remember when 9 of your staff got charges dropped because your all hypocrites

  • mitch103178 2 years ago

    Who else remembers trumps first trip to Saudi Arabia where he danced with a sword and they laid hands on a glowing globe. Weird.

  • samory280 2 years ago

    What!? Biden should’ve pulled down his pants and showed him his ass? Come on you effing media

  • Opus 313 2 years ago

    The optics of the fist bump are bad, but Donnie would have kissed MBS on both cheeks, held his hand and his glowing orb!

  • Jason Smith 2 years ago

    Just let him get the damn oil or gas whatever

  • Apollion Sacrez Leonard 2 years ago

    ass kissing mission has failed MBS said no oil.

  • aj jeff 2 years ago

    Another stupid ignorant “joke”

  • Starman Dx 2 years ago

    FDR was a master of the hand shake.


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