Andrew Sullivan: High-deas | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)



  • Thomas Gabriel 3 years ago

    Bill and his anti woke dogma is getting extremely tedious. So is his baldy pal

  • SnoggyToboggan 3 years ago

    4:52 yes. It’s the people on top who “don’t have the balls to say no.” It’s fear-based pandering that makes colleges take public PR actions to assuage random twitter/campus pop-ups, like virtuous Whack-a-mole. The people in charge either have no confidence or lack a strong enough sense of self/identity to establish a set of beliefs that carry on steadfast amid student or faculty whining. There are examples of university twitter pages making immediate statements toward things on twitter in real-time… is that the board/head of the university talking, (and hence channeling the school mission within the message) or is some bimbo in the marketing office trying to do damage control under the unforgiving scrutiny of the woke? Unis need strong people in charge and for those individuals to hold their ground.

  • itheuser First 3 years ago

    As a Liberal, what I have found interesting about the evolution of the modern Left, is that they have shifted from preaching tolerance, to now expecting fealty, or even open celebration of their causes. This is a distinct shift. For instance, the Parental Advisory sticker controversy was one that the old left’s pet free speech causes. However, in absence of a real mainstream Religious Right movement, they have now filled that void with their own moral disclaimers such as trigger warnings, safe spaces, and the marginalization of opponents.

    It’s as if, in absence of religion, we default to identity, and then there’s a scrum for the moral influence.

    Either way, ideological groups want control. Still, it’s a more workable discussion than any you can have with the Right at this point. We are not a United States. We are a blakanized series of identities, and that’s going to be to China’s benefit in coming years. Dictators get things done. They are not vulnerable to the whims of the public. Democracy is gridlock.

  • G S 3 years ago

    That’s the same guy who said Donald Trump was elected because white people have anxiety, and Democrats will lose because they are too woke with Black Lives Matter.

  • II nosferatu II 3 years ago

    In what universe is the right crazier than the left?

  • Finn Shoaps 3 years ago

    He so good at common sense when he supported the fucking Iraq war.

  • Ronald Jones 3 years ago

    I’m very glad I have never used Drugs, to have a clear Mind

  • Randy Richards 3 years ago

    The left is crazier quit beating a dead horse

  • Easy Diddit 3 years ago

    Ugh !

  • Marcel B. 3 years ago

    We are living in an era of minorities dictatorship – fueled by social media.

  • Alvin 3 years ago

    Ben Shapiro said the exact same thing a couple weeks ago but the crowd wasn’t having it…

  • Kyle Yost 3 years ago

    “Hi-deas” was a song written by Canadian rapper Classified, released in 2013. If I were him, do what the US citizens do, sue the hell outta this guy…

  • hopeemch 3 years ago

    I became aware of Andrew Sullivan from an article in the Atlantic Magazine he wrote when Obama’s name had just surfaced on the political scene even before his famous convention speech of the red and blue states being the United States. Andrew wrote this in depth piece detailing why Obama would and should be the next President of the USA. This was when others were saying the country wasn’t ready for a black President because we hadn’t had a woman President yet and that was a much easier hurdle for the electorate. Andrew proved them wrong and here he was a staunch conservative coming out for black man’s election? But’s that’s Andrew. Not an iconoclast for the sake of argument but because of his common sense and brilliant perception.

  • Kyle Yost 3 years ago

    Everyone asking in the comments, “what’s crazier? The right or the left?”

    I ask, what’s crazier than having a two-party democracy? Like asking Heinz vs French’s ketchup. Both are the same thing, just slightly different flavours.

    Maybe adopt a political system that isn’t borne from inherent corruption. Like allowing more major parties. Therefore, more accurate representations of the collective, societal voice?

  • Pepe2020 3 years ago

    Klan with a degree.

  • Peterj McGee 3 years ago

    Because if you were in front of me right now the way you’ve been the last few months I would probably kick you right in your ass and see if you would wake up because you need to wake up as well as a lot of other people in this world a lot of people on the left and not the far left on the left that if we would start working together this place would be a hell of a lot better than it is and we wouldn’t have to deal with these far-left maniacs that I trying to screw this world up


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