Afghanistan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published on August 15, 2022

John Oliver discusses what’s happened since the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan, how their ongoing crisis has even more to do with our decisions than you might think, and how to properly modify the verb “feel”.


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  • BMW R1200GS 2 years ago

    No need to give them aid from tax dollars. If it’s such a big deal to some one, find or create a charity and pay personally.

  • Rakat Sceptic 2 years ago

    Zero mention to Biden letting it to happened, but sure let’s beat up a dead horse of an orange man starting it… Let me be clear here, F Trump, but If it’s such a bad idea, the CURRENT administration have the power to stop it

  • Dale Miller 2 years ago

    Basically everybody left in Afghanistan is part of the Taliban. Until otherwise, let them starve.

  • Igor Schmidlapp 2 years ago

    “America will never lose a war” -George S. Patton. But we sure know how to fuck up giving one up (see Korea and Vietnam and Bosnia and Iraq and Afghanistan). Technically, we haven’t been in a war since World War 2 (all undeclared “Operations” or “Police Actions” since then).

  • CaptNemo563 2 years ago

    38 million vs 1000? Seems like that might not be right.

  • ryan skiba 2 years ago

    I like Ron DeSantis, but I like how you squeezed that joke in there.

  • Alias Alias 2 years ago

    They should have fought back when they had the chance instead of running cowardly despite our military backing. No longer our issue.

  • boxertest 2 years ago

    The Afghans did not defend themselves!!! It is not the US fault, the Afghans had better weapons and training , and the they gave up they did not fight.

  • Marxist / Leninist / Chavista 2 years ago

    When corporate media politely critiques US policy, the politics of death must be apologized too, during the critique.

  • Sam Boss 2 years ago

    I wanna see you in office

  • Mr. Patrick 2 years ago

    So no mention that China has been sending massive shipments of food and tents and medicine. It is nowhere near enough, but it is something. China is not funding the Taliban, but they can help the starving, the sick and the homeless. Somehow I doubt that the US is grown up enough to work with China to help feed starving children.

  • Jeff Hodge 2 years ago

    “I feel badly” means that your fingers can’t feel anything. When you are bummed out, it’s “I feel bad.” We still have an idiot for a President. The Dems need to replace Biden with Jon Stewart in 2024.

  • Will Morris 2 years ago

    have they tried being white europeans?

  • Shree Kavi 2 years ago

    Maybe someone can help me to understand.. but he said there was lots of food.. but no money to buy food…???

    The solution seems kinda obvious….
    maybe Taliban isn’t so radical an organisation if they can’t imagine a system without money?

  • Mark Campbell 2 years ago

    The USA trained the Taliban ISIS and Al Queda in training camps in Afghanistan guarded by US military soldiers. None of them were Afghan people and they were trained by the US military to attack the USA and the Afghanistan people. The US military have direct involvement in the activity of Taliban ISIS and Al Queda during their entire existence even their laid back starvation of Afghanistan.

  • fjooyou 2 years ago

    US should forget about Afghanistan, it’s not like the people there were ever motivated to fight the Taliban and now that they’ve taken over they can live with them. If others want to help Afghanistan they could go ahead but USA certainly has done enough.

  • THE CDN 2 years ago

    The vast majority of the militants are illiterate. That does not make for a good government. Let regular Afghanis get out of the country (likely to close Muslim countries like Pakistan and Iran.), and let the Taliban play with their rocks and guns. Also, crop-dust all of their poppy fields. Other Muslim countries really don’t like drugs. Btw, the Saudis could easily fund all of this, if they wanted to.


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