Abortion Rights Are Under Threat

Published on May 3, 2022

James Corden shares thoughts on the leaked Supreme Court decision that would ultimately overturn Roe v Wade – a severe blow to abortion rights in the United States.

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  • Andrew Walker 2 years ago

    Republicans really are repugnant.

  • nun ya 2 years ago

    Screw the government

  • Common Sense 2 years ago

    How can I invest in the back alley abortion industry?

  • Soooby Rooo 2 years ago

    Demand parity and track down fathers to equally burden the sperm contributors and watch this disappear.

  • Random Random 2 years ago

    More like, right to murder children

  • nun ya 2 years ago

    The power shift is happening.

  • Cm J 2 years ago

    It’s so weird to hear people arguing for the right to murder helpless babies.

  • Edit K 2 years ago

    Thank you James! To make matters worse, rape is not taken seriously in this country. They should focus on putting all the rapists behind bars before even going near the topic of abortion. But this is not about fetuses, this is about taking away women’s rights, no matter how much they try to pretend.

  • karen johnstone 2 years ago

    Thank you James and all the Late Late Show team.

  • RG M 2 years ago

    So much to say about this. First, people who try to legislate other people’s bodies are messed up. Second, this may sound good if you’re talking about somebody else, but if you’re a legislator who supports overturning Rowe vs. Wade and your mistress gets pregnant, will you be so determined NOT to let her have an abortion — or find a way to end the pregnancy to save face? Third, do these people really think that women aren’t morally conflicted about having an abortion and just go la-la-ing into an abortion clinic without having made the most difficult decision in their lives? When will the right stop trying to legislate what other people do with their bodies? Why do they think they must dictate their morality to others? Where is the humanity in that?

  • Angel castro 2 years ago

    I am not pro abortion but I am pro choice, This is only the beginning of a very steep slippery slope. The more the government bodies pressurize the american people by stripping away what little they have by way of taxes and basic human rights, the more likely there will be a civil war.

  • Kat Dean 2 years ago

    Thank you.

  • Trouble Maka 2 years ago

    They talk about abortion being murder ! How many children under 18 are killed by guns each year !

  • Caren 2 years ago

    THANK YOU for speaking out about this.

  • Nonya Bidnazz 2 years ago

    they’re PAST “under threat”.. there’s no going back..


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