A Way To Save The Beatles (If Only Paul Knew About It) – Peter Jackson On “Get Back”

Published on November 30, 2021

Director Peter Jackson examines the mindset of The Beatles as they prepared for a rooftop concert profiled in the new Disney+ documentary, “The Beatles: Get Back,” and sheds light on why the band suppressed the footage for decades. Jackson also mentions a chat between George Harrison and John Lennon that might have changed the direction of the band had they ever shared the details with Paul. Stick around for two more parts of this fascinating conversation with Stephen Colbert’s friend and favorite director. #Colbert #TheBeatles #PeterJackson

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  • laalaa99stl 2 years ago

    More! If the doc is in three parts, Stephen’s interview with Peter should also spread out across three nights!

  • Oheey 2 years ago

    I think George is afraid of Paul not happy about his plan on his solo album since Paul had a bossy character in the band, so he only told John…

  • Tired Redneck 2 years ago

    The who?

  • Robert Saul 2 years ago

    Another thing that could have kept them together would have been to do some live gigs. It might have shed the cabin fever…that and telling Allen Klein to stay the f#$k away.

  • FabiW 2 years ago

    4:03 that’s kinda heartbreaking

  • New Message 2 years ago

    I think their ending is part of the mythos. Would we be watching this footage at all if they’d continued pumping out albums until not a one of them could even pretend to care anymore? I doubt it.

  • Magnus Alexander 2 years ago

    We all have a tendency to want so much of a good thing that we choke on it (see Hobbit, The) but The Beatles would have lost a lot of their mythical status if they kept going through punk, disco etc. They’re so tied to the 60’s in our minds that anything more would have diluted their legend, and they probably broke up at the perfect time.

  • Ariaditya Pramestu 2 years ago

    They should have done a tour together like the old times, then yes solo projects for some. Get a proper manager that has rules of no girls allowed, and stay away from alan klein


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