Antisemitism on the Rise | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on November 3, 2023

Ian Bremmer and Fareed Zakaria discuss the recent upsurge of antisemitism among the youth with Bill Maher on Real Time.

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  • Joseph Magliocca 6 months ago

    “Israel never colonized anything.” Too many Palestinians insist that all Jewish people who live in the region are white colonizers when in reality it was a much more complicated situation than that. But Israeli settlements in the West Bank are hard to describe as anything but colonies. This is devastating to Israel’s moral high ground with other colonized people and Netanyahu has just made that problem worse.

  • Daniel Strain 6 months ago

    Antisemitism is barbaric and evil. But calling any criticism of the government of Israeli ‘antisemitic’ is despicable. Israel needs to decide whether “basing a nation on a chosen ethnicity or religion while forcing civilian minorities out of their homes and killing them en mass” is good or evil. Because it damn well was when Hitler did it.

  • Z T 6 months ago

    How can you beg on TV aid for Israel from Terror while simultaneously bad mouthing Venezuelans running from Terror

  • Trill Kosby 6 months ago

    Its as simple as this. Pretty much every Muslim in the world hates Israel. College liberals look at Muslims as an oppressed people, even though there are 2 billion of them and only 15 million Jews. Therefore they deem Israel as the oppressors. So they protest on behalf of Muslims and Palestine with the typical Colonialist, Occupier, Apartheid state blah blah blah rhetoric. Its just textbook Marxism mixed with modern Intersectionalism and sprinkled with Antisemitism and Islamic Fundamentalism.

  • David Gorgoroth 6 months ago

    When Jews funded BLM and pushed for CRT to make people hate white people they never imagined they’d be viewed as the new white people.

  • Love Fist 6 months ago

    The left has always been what they claim they hate,they’re just putting it out in the open now. I never thought I’d see the day when Democrats,the party that was supposed to be the party of freedom of speech and expression and anti-war would be ok with implementing blasphemy laws and championing/funding two conflicts that could end up spilling out and engulfing the entire planet in war.

  • TL 6 months ago

    Bill’s usually good at seeing both sides of things and criticizing both sides, but with Israel he has a blind spot because it’s personal to him. Hamas is terrible and their actions cannot be justified. Israel has done things to increase the tensions and done things to lose support from the world. So I’m not convinced it’s antisemitism, at least not all of it. Experts and general public don’t like Israel’s illegal annexations and the bad treatment of the Palestinian people. And this behavior has grown worse over time. The power differential is part of the story because that power differential has been and is currently being used by Israel. Bill needs to realize he can’t be rational on this issue.

  • Tim Farage 6 months ago

    Jews are pretty safe in the United States.

  • TL 6 months ago

    It’s ironic that Bill is talking like the very people he criticizes. Just because people criticize Israel doesn’t mean they are antisemitic. Israel has done a lot to deserve criticism.

  • Miguel 6 months ago

    It’s the Professors !

  • Stotle 6 months ago

    Israel is antisemitic

  • JazzLowrider 6 months ago

    Wow two smart people ignore the elephant in the room, how about occupation of 4 million palestinians, who got kicked out of their homes,and oppressed on a daily basis, and just in the last two week, over 8,000 civilians half of them children got wiped out, by air strikes, if you pretend you’re blind, people are not and they can see for themselves, i used to respect bill maher, but hes becoming heartless, ignores the atrocities committed by Israel, just because you’re jewish you cant ignore what israel is doing as a matter of fact, there’s thousands of jews against the occupation and oppression and killing of palestinians, dont forget Netanyahu helped create Hamas and supported them just to divide palestinians and cut off their chances of being free on their own land, …you can’t handle the truth bill.

  • Jonas Alderson 6 months ago

    Probably the single weirdest thing in this weird world we live in is how people who are ultra-progressive, extremely liberal, leftist and woke, are at the same time in love with Islam, by far the most conservative, patriarchal, right wing, retrograde religion ever.

  • Tanjin 6 months ago

    antisemitism is so on the rise, A 6-year-old Palestinian-American was stabbed 26 times for being Muslim

  • David Phillips 6 months ago

    The antisemitism is primarily coming from the left

  • joe blow 6 months ago

    Any criticism of Israel is considered a death threat for Some reason

  • Mlrk3y 6 months ago

    this isn’t ancient… 99% of these people had no opinion on Israel until they saw them dropping bombs on Gaza in the last few weeks


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