Secret Service Delivers Trump’s McDonald’s Order To NYC Courthouse



  • TheSpiritombsableye 7 months ago

    And he eats 215 lbs apparently.

  • Nunya _ 7 months ago

    Co-Bert @ his best.
    Also strange how these LateNight people have been FORCED into the YouTube recommendations…suddenly.

  • Trisha Livingston 7 months ago

    I can’t imagine what our wonderful President Trump has been wrongfully forced to go through. The people who should go through this hell are of course the Washington crooks including the Biden Crime Family, HRC, the Obama’s with an investigation, not a coverup regarding the recent dead body in their DC home. Adam Schiff et al, Comey, Brennan, McMaster, Millie, Pelosi, John Bolton, Mattis, everyone in Congress and the House who became millionaires overnight via the MIT by voting for needless wars negating diplomacy. Those now selling off everything ‘we the people’ funded for the wall to stop illegal immigration. Trump is a good and honorable man. This witch hunt is designed to destroy his election chances. How anyone could have a fair election is beyond me as long as Dominion voting machines and the ability to alter votes remotely is totally unrealistic. We have DC Nazi’s, Mafia, and Marxists who think there should be no fair and balanced elections. This isn’t how a democracy works. People supported Obama, and people support Trump, left or right. Instead, we have a single party system with the illusion of choice, or at least the controlling cartel chooses. And this isn’t how it’s designed to work. This is why Bill Clinton is leaving the DNC. It’s an unjust system and needs to be revamped. It’s not working equally for both sides. They’re even going after RFK Jr, who is the best they’ve got, along with Tusi Gabbart. The two most sensible on the left maligned like Trump.

  • Van Der Plancke 7 months ago

    Fake? Fake? Sure. You’re goddamn right he did.

  • D L 7 months ago

    Our taxes pay for this crap. Give me a break

  • Xtains R Evil 7 months ago

    He eats fast food because…….’they don’t know your coming so it’s harder to poison you! “
    He knows he’s hated.

  • Rock and Roll Woman 7 months ago

    I can has cheezburger? 😹

  • Chris Andersen 7 months ago

    Ewwwww! So much yuck!

  • Jerome Fitzroy 7 months ago

    Petulant kid

  • 808 Big Island 7 months ago

    Time to replace the federal agents with an ankle-monitor.

  • Time for Tinybird and Friends 7 months ago

    I love reading the comments,too!🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • Shane Roberts 7 months ago

    Thats a whole lotta Mickey’Dee’s ,right there !!
    Now we all know where the missing millions have gone ,on fast food and diet soda !!
    The rest he just wasted !!

  • Alec 7 months ago

    Trump 2024!

  • Oegyein 7 months ago

    Slow news day?

  • Pharaoh Howell 7 months ago

    Those are the bags he keeps secret documents in…

  • flowerblossom 7 months ago

    Imagine when Trump is filling his diapers in court, how loud and smelly it will be, and he can’t run…like he did while taping The Apprentice.
    Noel casler worked behind the screens at Apprentice and he said the diaper would smell up the entire boardroom and Ivanka would sit there in horror!

  • Public Enema 7 months ago

    I’m hungry

  • sprybug 7 months ago

    How is that man still alive?

  • Brandi Cartee 7 months ago



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