Trump’s fraud trial is prestige TV. #ACloserLook #succession



  • TheGiggleMasterP 7 months ago

    We missed the laughs 🙂

  • dawson cox 7 months ago

    I miss the writer’s strike

  • Seffi Shestopal 7 months ago

    I think the person who captured AG James glaring at Trump deserves a serious raise!

  • PMsinister 7 months ago

    I can’t believe that people are not tired of Trump jokes it’s been like seven years of the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over again. No matter what side of the island you’re on you have to find this tiresome at this point.

    I don’t like Trump, I also don’t give a crap about this trial, or the other trial he’s currently involved in, or his civilian fraud trial, because nothing is going to come out of it like the other half dozen trials he’s been through it’s just another bureaucratic Dog and pony show to make the Democrats feel better and the Republicans angry.

    Let’s leave him in the dust where he belongs, and elect a president that isn’t going to die in office.

  • Leni 7 months ago

    The look on James face is pure genius lol

  • That Bee 7 months ago


  • Karina Flower 7 months ago

    It should be a painting

  • Kelda Ogg 7 months ago

    They missed the lightning bolts coming out of her eyes.

  • John DiNardo 7 months ago

    It’s so cool that a woman is taking down Trump and his empire of lies and deception. You can’t make this stuff up. Melania has one testicles and the prosecutor the other, and they’re both squeezing. He will either poop through both of his depends, or start crying like a 4 year old.


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