Clint Smith: Poetry is the Act of Paying Attention

Published on March 31, 2023

Award-winning poet and journalist Clint Smith joins Stephen for an insightful conversation about what poetry can mean to people. Clint’s latest collection of poems, “Above Ground,” is available now.
#Colbert #ClintSmith #AboveGround #Books


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  • thepeff 1 year ago

    I loved this guy on Crash Course

  • Dorene Cornwell 1 year ago

    What a lovely way to balance what spews forth with today’s news

  • James Mitchell 1 year ago

    This guy hosts black history on the yt channel crash course and does a phenomenal job.

  • zntoup 1 year ago

    American contemporary poetry is so poor.

  • Cyn 1 year ago

    How the Word is Passed is an awesome book, I have it in audio. I learned a LOT, plus had to accept my family stories were mostly fiction and the mythology needed to be ascended by the other people involved at the time. Yes, buy this book. *edit added – That poem is the human experience. I’ll be adding the poetry book to my real book collection. Thank you, Clint.

  • laalaa99stl 1 year ago

    So poetry is basically ritalin. Gotcha.

  • Colette Schüpbach 1 year ago

    the FAKE Rocky indicted
    Oh no, he wants all cameras on him!
    [Nov.2019 picture Trump as Rocky]

  • laalaa99stl 1 year ago

    If only one of Former Guy’s teachers told him he would be a poet some day.
    Although. I shudder to think of what his odes to hamberders would sound like.

  • G Eirman 1 year ago

    My grade 5 teacher once gave me really heartfelt feedback that have always been fallback words of encouragement whenever I feel down and 28 years later we now work side by side teaching at the same school. Being able to share the impact his words still have was such a special moment for me. Maybe for him too, I hope. And my own teaching is fundamentally guided by this knowledge and experience.

  • withershin 1 year ago

    dude… If I can mimic you are you doing justice to your craft? I had my own life. I do like that sport coat though. Could you not sound like the same shit I’ve heard for 30 years? Did you like ask the most sardonic person you know their opinion? No. You did not. Why not? As a writer why did you not spend more than 5 minutes with anyone that has danced these halls before? Dude. Like you have the intelligence. “Away”… puke EDIT: apologies I wrote this is real time. Dude… I would be your target audience but Mr. Colbert here read your soul. Props Steven with a P.

  • Zk Motivation 1 year ago

    As you go through this rough patch, you’ll develop the strength to endure the journey. The harder the challenge, the greater the growth. Keep pushing through it. Say to yourself “no matter how bad it is, or how bad it gets, I’m going to make it.”

  • Patsy Lesley 1 year ago

    Thank you for having Clint as a guest. He is one of my favorite authors. I have learned so much from his books.

  • New Message 1 year ago

    My teacher told me I’d be the best burger flipper in the whole city. I never even got promoted from the fryer.

  • ROOKTABULA 1 year ago

    I’ve written 200 pages of poetry over 20 very difficult years. The ones I share, people say are beautiful.
    But I’m here to tell you, if events in your life won’t relent long enough for you to get forward momentum _and_ catch you breath, even the power of poetry will fail you.

  • chez moi 1 year ago

    Thank you so much for introducing us to this wonderful poet. Couldn’t be better timed: this April is the twentieth anniversary of National Poetry Writing Month, and poets everywhere are gearing up to celebrate, as we do every year, by writing a poem each day.


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