Putin’s Draft Is Going As Badly As His War | NASA Knows How To Celebrate!

Published on September 27, 2022

Russians are fleeing the country in huge numbers after Vladimir Putin announced he would send fighting-age men to the front lines in Ukraine. Here at The Late Show, Stephen found out that the happy nerds at NASA celebrate a win in much the same way that our writers celebrate a successful joke. #Colbert #Comedy #Monologue

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  • Charlatan 2 years ago

    CR for Cristiano Ronaldo??? Go Futbol!!!

  • Rose Daddona 2 years ago

    Georgia could use some young people..

  • Arden Nielsen 2 years ago

    So if is blows up in the upper stratosphere, the decaying uranium surrounded by hydrogen turns into water vapor right? well as raising ground temperature by 69 degrees for about 15 hours. save some of them for winter solstice…

  • AWESOMTROCITY 2 years ago

    I swear YouTube keeps automatically subscribing me to this nonsense.

  • K. House 2 years ago

    Vampires are a menice to American way of life.

  • Rob D 2 years ago

    @8:00 So to summarise the NASA DART story, “We may have saved the planet. You’ll find out after the midterms”… you are still talking about the DART mission, aren’t you?

  • Michael Case 2 years ago

    Landing on a planet. Crashing into a planet…not so much.

  • John Chessant 2 years ago

    Snowden got stuck in Russia because the U.S. revoked his passport and then pressured countries that were considering offering him asylum to back down. For example, the U.S. threatened to stop sharing intelligence with Germany if they granted him asylum or even arranged for him to travel safely there.

  • Karma Mechanic 2 years ago

    Tampon is from the word tamponade. Tamponade is the medical term that refers to stopping bleeding from any Source at any site.

  • Jose C 2 years ago

    The joke landed. Hylarious

  • Wanda Pease 2 years ago

    Ian, please check your GPS for Mar a Logo.

  • Justin R. Boyett 2 years ago

    Tampons were originally designed for the battlefield. It is not awkward, it is their intended purpose.

    Each pouch on my ballistic vest holds one of each 1) Quick-clot, 2) Pressure bandage, and 3) Tampon.


  • Mcdeathbruger 2 years ago

    tampons only wont work in a bullet wound, they’ll die of a massive infection… and stuffed full of tampons.

  • Steve K 2 years ago

    Savage Monologue tonight lol


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