House of the Dragon’s Matt Smith Shows Off His High Valyrian Fluency | The Tonight Show

Published on September 17, 2022

Matt Smith talks about meeting King Charles after playing Prince Philip in The Crown and pulling off an epic battle without dialogue in House of the Dragon before teaching Jimmy a few phrases in the High Valyrian language.

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  • Daemon Targaryen 2 years ago

    Look at all the trailers when Rhaenyra is older and Daemon’s hair is only shoulder length. It seems like the actor who will portray his nephew, Aemond, will use that same wig.

  • Lory B 2 years ago

    I remember when he just started his career, he had the dork rolls! Did not think I would ever be attracted to him! But boy, he turned pretty sexy now!!!!

  • alice silva 2 years ago

    he’s so charismatic!! great actor

  • wayne conway 2 years ago

    Is Matt Smith really handsome or is his handsomeness a media creation that we’ve all fallen for? When he was the Doctor I always thought he had a 75 year old man’s face on a twelve year old’s body. With emo hair.

  • Syed Mujahid Hussain 2 years ago

    They needed a reason to release the clip they did

  • alice silva 2 years ago

    the way he speaks in high valyrian is so good!! you can totally tell that he really commited to his character, his voice sounds so good! it’s amazing

    matt smith is such a good actor, I really hope he gets at least a nomination at the next emmy’s, he deserves so much!

  • Daniela Yepez 2 years ago

    This man is so fine

  • James Patrick Quinn 2 years ago

    Matt forgot he was on American television not British television. We Puritans watch our Ps and Qs here lol

  • jak ovasaur 2 years ago

    Episode 2 killed it for me im trying to build up the will power to continue but is one mans performance enough to commit to soo many hours. Rings of power has me by the balls though every episode brilliant and left wanting

  • Meme City 2 years ago

    Sure, censor Matt Smith from cursing bc God forbid the children are watching. Bit promote a show filled with cursing, sex, and violence. Let the man be lol


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