OKCousin: Dr. Oz’s New Family Dating App

Published on September 9, 2022

Find true love closer than you ever imagined it. #Colbert #Comedy #ColdOpens

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  • Ivares Kesner 2 years ago

    Sending condolences to the Queens _’subjects_’ is bad optics, fellas. Doesn’t look very good.

  • Mohammed Iqbal 2 years ago

    Yeah, Rudy Giuliani was the 1st to use Dr. Oz app.

  • Bobby Quarantino 2 years ago

    what the actual fuck…

  • Pano 360 2 years ago

    Oh I just got the point of that message at the start! Ha ha!

  • COLLEY 2 years ago

    Love how this is the only vid with the disclaimer about not knowing the queen had passed away, the video where they’re talking about dating peoples cousins lol

  • Cthulhu the Endless 2 years ago

    His comments about his daughters are SO MUCH WORSE than anything about cousincest

  • Sasoon2006 2 years ago

    What is with disclaimer that this video was recorded before Queen Elizabeth of some other country passed away? We are not allowed to laugh anymore?

  • MemphiStig 2 years ago

    Makes sense tho. Oz is obvi from the shallow end of the gene pool.

  • Connor-Rage 2 years ago

    I think Oz has been watching too much Hentai

  • Doktor Arbeitslos 2 years ago

    Such an app actually exists in Iceland, afaik, because people in that small isolated nation are so closely related, that they have a need to check their family ties when they get to know someone in order to avoid incest.

  • Napalm Holocaust 2 years ago

    He’s preparing his argument to strip women of their rights some more. Don’t get sidetracked about cousins. This is about being forced to carry a child by the state. Potentially with fatal complications and the women gotta take that risk so some suit can get elected with pretensions of morality.

  • Napalm Holocaust 2 years ago

    She wasn’t my queen. Oz would be just fine with being ruled by inbreds but not me. Familial titles of rank are outlawed in America for good reason. We just had a wannabe king. France invented an underused de-throneing device I highly recommend.

  • Edward Fletcher 2 years ago

    Seems like a Red State problem.. LOL

  • O. B. 2 years ago

    Well, I guess that restores Rudy’s good name then.
    He only married a second cousin, after all.

  • Giby86 2 years ago

    I’m going to be the guy to point out that this quote was taken out of context. He was specifically asked by a guy who was banging his second cousin if he should be worried about health problems, and Oz gave him the correct, if creepy, answer.

  • Livid Imp 2 years ago

    Wait, the one time Dr. Oz says something that’s not paid-for quakery and the internet jumps his shit? A 2nd cousin only shares something like 3% of your DNA, you are practically not related at all. And Dr. Oz has said and endorsed so much other bullshit you don’t need to attack him on a factual statement. He’s already a deep well of quakery and a pompous asshat.

  • Fight evil. Read books. 2 years ago

    Rudy Ghouliani invested! He loves his cousins, at least one physically for years!


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