Stephen Colbert Swears He’s Not Leaving To “Rescue” CNN

Published on August 5, 2022

Don’t believe everything you read on RadarOnline. #Colbert #Comedy #CNN

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  • Planes Trains & Dogs n Cars 2 years ago

    Trump is pissed off coz they offered the gig (and the island) to Stephen.

  • Bob M 2 years ago

    smart time to go to Greenland in August … try January or February .. smile

  • tbrogoit02 2 years ago

    I know something that might make Colbert go to CNN….

    if he is given complete creative control and asked to revamp CNN, to turn it into a news organization that actually informs the viewers (in a entertaining and engaging way)

    …you know….the dream the Daily Show put in our heads. I bet Colbert would feel he was impacting reality in a more profound way than doing his song and dance for us most every weeknight (which I’m sure he enjoys)

    And would consider leaving CBS to go make a mark on the world, not just comedy.

  • Adrian 2 years ago

    Anyone know where Jon batiste is at?

  • TheShadowMan 2 years ago

    mmmm James Taylor … totally bang worthy

  • darnes12 2 years ago

    can’t believe you had that wife beating hypocrite James Taylor on your show

  • SeMperfi Patriot 2 years ago

    Never heard of James Taylor but he seems like he’ll definitely take off after this week with Stephen. GL on your new career James, and Godspeed.

  • Shimmery Sparkles 2 years ago

    It would be great if Colbert had an hour on CNN.

  • Marijuanifornia 2 years ago

    All of you need to watch the 13-minute, 42-second 1942 US Department of Agriculture video, *Hemp for Victory.*
    There is an official .gov link to the film from the US National Archives:
    This is the key to reducing pollution, replacing fossil fuels, ending deforestation and stopping climate change.
    Everything else in history is irrelevant compared to stopping climate change. Corporate media such as CNN and CBS will not tell you about this.

  • Gigi Arocha 2 years ago

    they going to be able to give back with real news or is it going to be a propaganda Channel

  • peachesandpoets 2 years ago

    Colbert should keep his beef with his dude. Say what you want about CNN, if they didn’t exist we’d be fucked with covid issues. Why do I feel bad for saying the truth? Fuck.

  • Alex Kilgour 2 years ago

    Here’s a show idea for Stephen Colbert and Anderson Cooper.

    C&C playing D&D.

  • Scott Nightingale 2 years ago

    The first person Steven thinks of in the morning is not Bennie?

  • Arational 2 years ago

    Greenland is melting so fast that 3 days of meltwater would cover West Virginia in water 1 foot deep.

  • Roland Tinker 2 years ago

    They already have their fill of idiots

  • handy864 2 years ago

    If Colbert went to CNN there might be an actual chance to see journalism on that Network and someone challenging the powerful.

  • Maja-Danmark 2 years ago

    Enjoy beautiful Greenland!


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