Coaches Can Now Share Their Wildest Religious Beliefs Thanks To The Supreme Court

Published on June 30, 2022

Pretty soon he’ll be putting pamphlets in every player’s locker. #Colbert #Comedy #ColdOpens

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  • Jasmine Tantivilaisin 2 years ago

    LOL, the true test will come when a coach will push a religion other than Christianity.

  • MewDenise 2 years ago

    Id feel so uncomfortable

  • CL 2 years ago

    Is it a coincidence that SCOTUS has given freedoms to high school coaches at the same time questions still swirl around Gym Jordan’s time as coach of the Ohio State Wrestling Team?

  • mueffe 2 years ago

    Can’t wait for the news when a coach from certain religion do some certain religion things and get reprimand by school authorities from certain relligion.

  • infinityd 2 years ago


  • d von zosch 2 years ago

    So this means that God listens to the prayers of one high school football team in Alabama, to defeat another high school football team, from another town in Alabama
    —- Fundamentalists have some strange thinking.

  • Yvonne Tomenga 2 years ago

    While amusing, what this segment fails to recognize this SCOTUS ruling is merely a first step in establishing an official religion. If ypu listen to the conservative Justices and many Republican leaders, they speak of the U.S.A. as being a nation whose Constitution is a divine gift of a Christian God.

    Establishing public relgion is the first step. Raising Christianity above any other relgious belief system will be the next step because clearly, other religions could not have inspired our Christian Constitution.

    The final step will be weeding out any Christian sects that don’t support the political agenda of the ruling minority. Catholics who still believe in the parable of the Good Samaritan may find their beliefs incompatible with the immigration policies of the ruling minority.

    As to non-believers, they will not be protected for any rights.

    I recognize this comment is negative on a comedic site but conservatives worked for decades to overturn Roe. They will put the same effort into establishing a theocracy so we ignore their plans at our peril.

  • Steven Mckinnon 2 years ago

    Think the writer is verry uninformed should have used achoholic beverages & spirits as the demon to whorship what century are we living in out with old do it my way or else in with new future of possibilities of healthy alternatives to problems that can’t be solved by guzzling a 40 oz bottle of liquid depressant lighten up do so researsh before you demonize ha ha ha

  • Vida Lang 2 years ago

    You only pray because you don’t think God is doing the right thing and you know better.

  • Sophia Herschel 2 years ago

    Religion is like sex: have it in private, stupid!

  • croc glox 2 years ago

    oh, great god vampire murdoch
    we anti-kneel before thy anti-wokeness

    thank you for your activist anti-justices who protect us from truth

    thank you for your anti-wisdom governor-doctors who prescribe precious rufos for our sacrament

    thank you for the holy power of our sacred gerrimanders

    Bathe us Eternally in Blessed Lies

  • Maja-Danmark 2 years ago

    It’s quite peculiar to have 9 unelected people interpret a bunch of texts and decide on behalf on +300 million people.

  • MissGisell 2 years ago

    first amendment is first for a reasoon and freedom of speech is stated in the first and 14th amendment, deal with it. Funny how hyprocritical some are, so they are young and impressionable to hear someone pray but not for lgtbq teaching gender idenity to third graders

  • Purpleish Panda 2 years ago

    So they can kneel in protest to bring prayer into school

    But black people cannot kneel to protest their own genocide?

  • brooks 2 years ago

    These lawyers lied and we need to remove them.


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