Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hate During Pride, Don Jr’s Hypocrisy & Laura Ingraham Blames Pot Not Guns

Published on June 2, 2022

The Celtics & Warriors kick off the NBA Finals in San Francisco, Laura Ingraham of Fox News is blaming gun violence on marijuana, Garbage-person Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia has been trying to pin some of the blame on those who support the LGBTQ+ community, Sarah Palin is keeping busy warning viewers of Fox News that the Democrats are trying to kill them, Donald Trump Jr’s official online store is pushing products that are “designed and embroidered in the USA” but actually made in places like China, Nicaragua and El Salvador, the company in charge of Elvis Presley’s brand has ordered wedding chapels in Nevada to stop using Elvis in their ceremonies, and we take to the street to confuse people with the first of what we hope will be many editions of “Breaking the News.”

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  • Nelly Oroo 2 years ago

    Wow! this Marjorie Taylor is STUPID……. What’s up with the education in USA?

  • Poiss Mees 2 years ago

    The issue in Murica is not just having these nutcases in politics, but also the media and the blogs etc constantly amplifying every outrageous statement made by them , they are doing it just for their own ratings. That makes them complicit in this constant , neverending shitshow called “The rotting empire”

  • Will H 2 years ago

    I just thank God I never went out while in a ganja induced frenzy when I was a teenager and do something I regretted. Okay, that happened but it was stealing a sign from in front of a hotel at 3AM. Never, ever saw anyone flip out on weed, LSD yes, weed no.

  • Holly York 2 years ago

    So much for the right”s America First platform

  • Kangaroo Cafe in Hanoi 2 years ago

    Tommy Campbell does a great take down of Perjury Taylor Green with he shouting out ….

    The socks stay on !!!

    It’s very well done.

  • Neo Hernandez 2 years ago

    The irony of Manjorie Traitor Gangrene who looks like a Man in a dress. She is a self hating closeted Trans Man. That’s why she attacks the community so much.

  • neil morales 2 years ago

    It would be easier to ban pot than guns.

  • Trentley Newman 2 years ago

    I have one the king is dead

  • neil morales 2 years ago

    I thought MTG was trans. She looks like a man.

  • Tom Brayton 2 years ago

    MTG was doing a pretty good.job of promoting querdom as a fashionable option for our kids right there. Watch that again. She the one.promoting

  • G 2 years ago

    “Shameless worthless leeches and grifters.” Not made in the USA. It’s all about money, and fools and their money are easily parted, so spend, spend, spend.

  • Ryan Ruark 2 years ago

    If more people punched Nazis there would be fewer Nazis

  • neil morales 2 years ago

    Both sides are hypocrites and they love talking at each other.

  • Cullen 2 years ago

    All of the sudden

  • J P 2 years ago

    Anyways all politics aside. I’ve been drinking lol You Liberal’s are really stupid people and that goes for all the other side too. You don’t even know what you are voting for. The public sucks and Jimmy is not funny. The guns are not the problem. It is this world of animals that inhabits it. Anyways…I’ve drank almost a entire 15 pack lol thank you spell checker…you are my friend. Gonna go listen to some Tucker Carlson now hahaha


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