Alexis McGill Johnson – Bringing Women’s Bodies Back Into the Constitution | The Daily Show

Published on May 5, 2022

“What most people want is to not have a politician in their decision.” Planned Parenthood’s President and CEO Alexis McGill Johnson discusses the chipping away of women’s rights and reproductive health access, and how the Women’s Health Protection Act would codify Roe v. Wade. #DailyShow #TrevorNoah #Comedy



  • MLG GAMER 2 years ago

    Oh she’s the person in charge of planned Parenthood? I never knew. This should be a very interesting interview

  • Adam 2 years ago

    Great content! Thanks for always putting up an informative video. Understanding the concept of crypto is of great importance. People think investing in crypto is all about buying coin and then allow it to rise. Come on! It takes much more analysis to become a successful crypto investor

  • Jacqueline Sutton 2 years ago


  • MLG GAMER 2 years ago

    I feel like the talk about getting rid of the filibuster should also be expanded to the electoral college I’m just saying

  • MELSELECTA101 2 years ago

    Without white supremacists everyone can raise healthy children.. Abort all white supremacists no matter the age.

  • Jacqueline Sutton 2 years ago


  • Tristan Möller 2 years ago

    I think the media is overestimating the support for abortion rights. I had many friends, who were democrat but at least thought about voting for Trump two times, almost solely because of the abortion issue.

  • Osmosis Jones 2 years ago

    So don’t respect the constitution because it’s a 200 year old out dated document. But Roe v Wade is 49 years of President

  • Jeanette Blankenship 2 years ago

    I have friends and family on both sides of the issue. Many people assume anti-abortionists are trying to control women’s bodies and their choices. “It’s my body” is heard a lot. Yes, but that’s not the issue for many people who believe abortion is wrong. Many believe the issue is the unborn babies right to life. That is their stance, and they are heartfelt about it. You can never change their mind by saying women have a right to control what happens to their own bodies, because that’s not their issue. They simply believe the embryo is a viable person, and abortion makes them sad. How do you change their mind about that? I think that is pretty hard to do. So they are going fight abortion. Yet pro choice people act as though it’s all about their rights being restricted. I’m sure they actually feel that way. And people will continue to get abortions just as sure as the world turns. The two sides are looking at the issue very differently, I think. What does it mean that the number of abortions has gone down? Personally, I would rather prevent a pregnancy than get an abortion. It’s a lot less trouble! I’ve known women who say they’ve had multiple abortions. Sometimes many. They could afford birth control. It seemed abortion became their birth control. To me, that isn’t ideal decision making.

  • Sa Ch 2 years ago

    Republicans are concerned about kids before birth and after they are ready to serve in war. Nothing in between!

  • Darlene James 2 years ago

    Now ladies, why are we even worried about this foolishness. We know what to do. Take back your goodie bag and let the fellows know, no more treats. Mean itadies, go on strike. The American male will be standing in the front of the Court begging for them to rescind.

  • RRocr 2 years ago

    Make no mistake: this is the first step in eliminating your individual rights…
    NOT just for those who have already been marginalized – EVERYONE!
    Please protest! AND
    Please vote, because this might be the last chance to do so.

  • Tassia Fisher 2 years ago

    Make a law where a vasectomy is mandatory.

  • Evelyn B 2 years ago

    PP should also be adding the human & health costs of making abortion illegal. Their archives surely include data on the dangers of illegal abortion when safe access isn’t available. These data might be 50+ years old, but it was a serious problem pre Roe v. Wade. Severe infections causing health problems & deaths. Impact of unwanted pregnancies on the psychological health of the child born.
    And once a foetus become a baby outside its mother, those “pro-life” activists stop caring about families which have more children (which they didn’t want) that they can’t afford to pay for (health, education, food etc) … Those same activists don’t want Universal Health Care, let alone Universal Minimum Income or family allowances etc etc …

  • Leanne Vande Kew 2 years ago

    The hypocrisy of the Court is they insist on privacy of their deliberations to overturn a ruling protecting women’s right to privacy.

  • x o 2 years ago

    This is a real person, a real leader, a real queen, a real politician and activist and protector of rights. All those republican losers are opportunists, fascists, deplorables, money swindlers, etc. America is in such a bad state right now. Republicans representing so many people are just after money and power, they don’t care about any person in America.


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