“The Talk” That Every Black Family Has About Police | The Daily Show

Published on April 4, 2022

Because Black people are disproportionately targeted by police, many parents are forced to have “The Talk” with their young children about how to best navigate this tragic reality. #DailyShow




  • Sipho Mkizee 2 years ago

    Guys this is like apertheid

  • TheMiddleClass TAXSLAVE 2 years ago

    Do the right thing today Joe……pick up the phone and ask Trump for advice!

  • Stefan Void 2 years ago

    I am white and i when i worked in Us i had the talk…never had problems but i got it that if police say stop you stop…many of this black guys dont…

  • David el lado oscuro 2 years ago

    But Hollywood said … That in EEUU there’s not racist…

  • awhalen48 2 years ago

    You can’t Train your Children against Racist Ignorant cops, this is a Bigger Problem! The system is set-up the way is has been designed, for these Animals to justify Harassing, Beating and Murdering Black Children, Women and Men! If they want Stop then they have to be Made to Stop!

  • A. Patriotic 2 years ago

    As an African from Africa we are taught in history classes how colonialists were evils like Leopold of Belgium and how they treated Congolese or how British, Dutch, French and Spanish exported over 12 million African slaves but American police won the prize for whole type of mistreatment against blacks in USA

  • Tom Smith 2 years ago

    How come you’re not doing a story and Will Smith how about the black I’m black crying there and who’s the 1st person you call Trevor when the police are there for you 247 who do you call if there’s a Bang on the window in your house or something goes wrong you call the police I’m so sticky you’re cry I’ll stick to your cry cry me a river and look at Will Smith your body you aint saying s*** about that are you yeah

  • DarkFire 2 years ago

    I grew up in a small city in Oregon … one were cops are so bored all they do is jump at any chance to beat on teenagers or the homless population… im mostly white and part native unlike my father who is a half breed . So I grew up with a very similar talk . At 12 years old I had one of the very first models of airsoft bb guns … I was shooting at my friend who was half black ….. long story short the only thing that saved our lives that day was because when I saw the cop flip a bit** as he passed by I dropped the gun on the ground and stood back 10 feet from the toy gun like my father and my friends dad had told us to months before .
    The cop got out with his gun drawn and ready to go but when he approached he started to lower his gun and his gaurd when he noticed our toy on the ground. He told me and my friend we were smart doing so an that it very well could have just saved our lives . Because to him it looked like ” gang violence “. The only kind of violence are small town / city has never had b4 …. the point here is it was very obviously a bunch of kids playing guns… this was my first real experience with what black and other non white races go through on a regular basis. I remember hurting so bad deep inside because as me and my friend grew up together getting into small mischief as most pre teens do . Even though I was the bad kid in the group … full grown men would always grab my friend and twist his arms behind his back like some kind of undercover bounty hunter for small things like riding in a shopping cart in a store parking lot or skateboard on the side walk …. we were always treated severely different when we were together. … without him I could then be targeted and treated the same over some silly bs … but with him , he was targeted over me every time even when he had nothing to do with it . 🙁 it’s simply not fair and makes me feel shi**y for being a different race then him.

  • Sleep Quietly Tired Toys 2 years ago

    What is it about Black people that is so scary?? Who are they?

  • KootFloris 2 years ago

    I’m a white European and I knew about the ‘talk’. It’s insane and tells me how deeply wrong the USA is.
    An American friend called it a military police state, where ‘justice’ (read color) defines what a ‘free country’ is.

  • kaylah williams4L 2 years ago

    Sad to say but it’s true I live in Arlington Texas and they are such haters

  • Adventure Edgar 2 years ago

    Let’s not forget Mr Wright had a warrant and chose to drive off. Mr. Wright suffered the consequences of his choice.

  • DenLim123 2 years ago

    Why are they reuploading old videos


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