Rachel Louise Snyder – “No Visible Bruises” and a Closer Look at Domestic Abuse | The Daily Show

Published on March 21, 2022

“The worst part of domestic violence, if you ask anyone, is the psychological abuse. The emotional abuse.” Journalist Rachel Louise Snyder discusses taking these difficult conversations and making them human. #DailyShow




  • Robert Kowalski 2 years ago

    Smacking anybody is wrong, but I have to say when Rachel told the story of the woman who used her husband as a stepping stone to her freedom kinda struck me wrong too.

  • Amy Martin 2 years ago

    To be honest, I really don’t think that domestic violence is any kind of reason to justify the criminal justice system in existence. In my personal experience, I think they are economically punitive to the entire household when involved, which only exasperates the issue.

  • Rajkumar Bharathi 2 years ago

    It’s like a chain, I once had a manager that would be a completely arrogant and set up unreasonable deadlines. Then I had no choice but to start abusing people below me. I was like that until someone pointed it out. A year later my manager was forced to resign.

  • Masquarra 2 years ago

    Why have we not left yet?
    1. Well, the narcissist financially controls and weaponizes it. Then says if you leave, you will be on the streets I will be the best you ever have.
    2. You have no job for years and if you attempt to get back into the employment game, that gap is used against you.
    3. You cannot be penniless with children and by the time the narcissist smears your name, you have no support system. That is their goal

  • SueBeka 2 years ago

    Leaving is a process; it’s not an event.

  • Patricia Herrera 2 years ago

    Thank you so much

  • Renamon 565 2 years ago

    My mom was in a a abusive relationship but she got out.

  • crystal frederick 2 years ago

    IMO another thing we can do is install confidence & self worth in girls. And get rid of the need to fix a guy. Then when they get in relationships they won’t even tolerate a guy raising his voice much less his hand.

  • Fredric Clack 2 years ago

    Hate the Suit!

  • Tintin Jailhouse 2 years ago

    Now my lovely brother I have problems with fb again and again ! They always put me In jailhouse !!! Soooo craaaazy they are !!

  • Kasonda Leigh 2 years ago

    Excellent. Thank you for discussing this topic!

  • Jodi Z 2 years ago

    First day at DV shelter volunteer training:
    They never hit you on the first date!
    You can’t rescue on sovereign territory aka the rez.
    You will have a zero success rate! Although I had a .002 rate!

  • David Pat 2 years ago

    Having her on is what makes this show what this country needs.

  • ali N 2 years ago

    Lol this is how you throw a low-key upper cut. This should be sent to Kanye somehow. He needs to hear this.


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