Clarissa Ward On Why Ukraine Is So Important To Vladimir Putin

Published on February 2, 2022

CNN Chief International Correspondent Clarissa Ward joins Stephen live from Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine with an update about the Russian troop buildup, analysis of Vladimir Putin’s strategic options, and the mood on the ground among the Ukrainian public. #Colbert #ClarissaWard #Ukraine

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  • Andrew Laszyn 2 years ago

    Well when Ukraine has been under Soviet oppression for decades/ generations and forced to speak the language of the oppressors, the moscovite language will be present for generations to follow. additionally, The moscovites are good at brain washing

  • Taijifufu 2 years ago

    Clarissa explains it all.

  • Kris Frederick 2 years ago

    And this is why throughout History Humans have tried and failed to separate ourselves with lines on maps and flags. The gray areas. Putin sees Ukraine as Hitler saw Austria.

  • Paula Keller 2 years ago

    So Dictator Putin has more than 120,000 troops. Surrounding Ukraine border. VLAD already invaded CRIMEA, Georgia and Western Ukraine in 2014. VLAD is not a good liar. Just like Crooked/Traitor Drumpf.

  • The Bronze Age of DC Comics 2 years ago

    Vlad wants warm water ports in order to amass greater pressure on Turkey who bottlenecks access from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean.

  • Jane Wilson 2 years ago

    Nice to see real reporters still exist…

  • HAND FUN! 2 years ago

    The US has the most to gain from war.

  • HAND FUN! 2 years ago

    Ukraine has neo-Nazis.

  • johnny 2 years ago

    I’d be worried being surrounded by 100,000 soldiers with weapons that could change your life………………..This lady speaks clearly…and concise.

  • HAND FUN! 2 years ago

    84% of Americans can’t find Ukraine on a map.

  • T H 2 years ago

    Imagine tuning into a “Comedy Show” and have to listen to 2 TDS Long Haulers discuss a topic neither has any clue about? The laughter must have deafening.

  • T H 2 years ago

    Why did Obama/Biden already give Putin Crimea and Eastern Ukraine in 2014 with no questions asked? Oh right, weakness!!! Why did Putin feel free to meddle in the 2016 Presidential Elections? Oh right, a weak Dem President who was afraid of Vlad. Got it now.

  • Paula Keller 2 years ago

    Correction: Putin invaded Eastern Ukraine. This might be the begining and end of Putin. Nato (U.N.) are sending weapons, planes, troops. The whole enchilada. Anti tanks, anti planes. VLADY is in big trouble. Also sanctions that will cripple Mother Russia bigly. Russia economy will collapse. Mark my words.

  • Jane Wilson 2 years ago

    Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet Union…

  • Bryan 2 years ago

    It’s such a shame to see this division, because there are so many things that should unite Russia and Ukraine – anti-semitism, racism, homophobia, alcoholism, mail-order brides, tasteless cuisine – why go to war with your twin brother?

  • Blazing Skies Defiant 2 years ago

    If Putin really thinks they should all be one big happy ethno-state together, why is he posturing troops for war and heightening the threat of violence and loss of lives, in addition to international sanctions? Why isn’t he pushing for constitutional reform and a referendum in his own country, to peacefully cede Russian national sovereignty over to Ukraine, instead? Oh, because it’s not really about that at all? Okay then.


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