Rich People. They’re Just Not Like Us. Us Pay Taxes.

Published on January 20, 2022

Stephen Colbert takes a look at how the world’s wealthiest people are spending their billions during the pandemic. #Colbert #Comedy #RichPeople

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  • Lex Slate 2 years ago

    I propose we build an enormous trebuchet and yeet the rich.

  • mike avery 2 years ago

    You know Elon doesn’t care about money right why don’t you read the mission statement of his company to look into the people that work at those companies literally the brightest minds of the United States and other countries come together to create a cleaner herbs and a multi-planetary species if there was a god I’d wish he would bring you guys to the light because your blissfully ignorant right now on the future I’m sure if he had half the United States government money that they spent on military conquest we would not be going to war with Russia we’d be having them join Forces to go to Mars put their lives to risk for something worth risking building a stronger future of humanity but instead of the United States wants to be a bunch of fleas on the back of the dog trying to say who has control we should have already had bases on the moon and on Mars 20 years ago you people have no vision sitting around waiting for death or God to come fix everything when he gave all of us the ability to do right and to expand our knowledge of the universe you wonder why alien species don’t bother trying to talk to us or visit would you want to visit a territorial monkey group would probably rather kill you versus have an intellectual conversation and if they have the ability to get here from across the Galaxy we literally have nothing to offer them intellectually anyways I can see how we use all our intelligence for military conquests I wouldn’t want to give us any technological advances either we literally use them to kill ourselves cuz that’s how stupid unevolved people are.

  • Mike w 2 years ago

    Doesn’t Stephen Colbert get paid over 30 million a year?

  • Rod Gale 2 years ago

    A Rich Tax anyone??? Ready for it???

  • 8Robba 2 years ago

    Tax the Rich! Or Eat the Rich alternatively!
    Expropriate Facebook (Meta) and Amazon!
    End capitalism!
    And of course let’s cooperate instead of compete!
    My love goes out to you. Hang in there, friend.

  • songOmatic 2 years ago

    these guys are gonna WISH that occupy wall st. had happened…

  • Rolyat Neek 2 years ago

    You know what billions can’t buy you? The full realization that your hot girlfriend wouldn’t even look at you twice if you didn’t have money.

  • Animus1539 2 years ago

    I am the last person to defend billionaires, but get your facts right. Elon Musk paid more in taxes last year than any other person in the US. $11B. (The rest of them can line up for the guillotine as far as I’m concerned).

  • HayzeD 2 years ago

    Trickle down economics, what a joke. All that trickles down is debt. The rich take the profits and with the euro dollar inversion it looks like soon the rest will pay more debt again while no one is held to account.

  • stefan renn-jones 2 years ago

    If you’re going to invest in a moat you really need to invest in bull sharks.

  • David Wolf 2 years ago

    but there are no women … what about women … typical … they all appear to be old white men … ???.do they just buy and sell the women ???

  • Joanna Anu Welfley 2 years ago

    Best segment…I almost gave up on Stephen…

  • PunCala 2 years ago

    Tax the billionaires. It’s so simple.

  • RMK 2 years ago

    We’re the ones allowing it, voting for 2 totally corrupt parties who exist only for these greedy, slimy “job creators.” Unless we shift our thinking in a major way, we’re doomed to this shit. The GREEN Party has had the same platform for We, The People for 40 years.

  • Xooc Boots 2 years ago


  • Colleen Braun 2 years ago

    These people don’t deserve the money they have. Their day is coming….good point Stephen…bring out the guillotine.

  • Peter Grimshaw 2 years ago

    i wonder how much talk show hosts like Colbert are worth, jay leno and his mansion and garages full of antique cars……talk show hypocrites is all i see here.


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