Paul Rudd Is the Sexiest Man Alive, Red (Taylor’s Version): This Week’s News | The Tonight Show



  • 2cute2quitYT 2 years ago

    Paul Rudd is the nicest celebrity ik so far

  • Barry Lyndon 2 years ago

    omg bliss viddy warmth this week’s news happiness feel like I’m gonna melt like a vampire as tha sin comes up to wake to from literally falling asleep on saturday and waking up just now and its monday and i dont know if sunday even happened except i had this dream about being in texas and the sky was dark blue like a quasar reptilian and the moon was crimson red like a maroon velveteen rabbit and it was miles of nothing all around just me in this big giant old car with no windows and i was in the backseat which was just this giant plush arabesque purple couch kinda seat you just sunk into like a madagascar rooftop hookah at the witching hour and the car was driving down this two lane blacktop country road and all I could see was headlights on the pavement with the road stripes and the occasional armadillo rattlesnake roadkill and only beyond my vision of the road which was maybe 20 ft ahead of the car was just this gargantuan black nothingness like how i imagine an intergalactular black hole might look if i was floating around space in a beaver hunting canoe like tom hardy in the revenant and i was holding this bottle of jack daniels in one hand and my hashpipe in the other and my whole body felt weightless and numb like when your leg goes to sleep and you cant move and there was this smell like roadside gas station bbq and the radio was playing one of those really long vibey lofi mixes like ruby haunt’s blue hour album stream and then up ahead was this old dark farmhouse in the distance and the road turned to dirt and gravel and you could see the dirt in clouds behind the car through the back window as the car drove faster and faster and nobody was driving the car the red floating steering wheel just sorta went back and forth on its own and I was just smashed back deeper and deeper all the way back inside the back seat couch so that the front seat seemed farther and farther away and in the distance I could hear a chainsaw and a girl wearing short shorts swinging on a lawn swing all creaky the chain like squeak squeak squeaking away and the further I sunk in it was like I was below the ground in a pit or a grave and the world seemed like it was looking down on me in the darkness through this tiny open dot that seemed to be a mile away or an inch away depending on your lack of depth perception and double vision and then I woke up and it was monday which is today and right now and I was listening to this video and there was two dudes playing slap jacks while drinking huckleberry wine from mason jars while wearing cowboy hats and in a way im kinda glad I skipped sunday because sunday is like one too many days ya know its like monday sure tuesday okay wednesday whatever thursday alright friday mos def saturday hell yeah sunday meh friggin politiksm

  • Jessica Loehr 2 years ago


  • Ryan York 2 years ago

    Adele Sucks.

  • The Tonight Gaming- 2 years ago

    That’s what I called news with the legend himself jimmy and steve higgins is legend and The Roots is legends!

  • AbyssGnasher 2 years ago

    Thats not what “simping” means. Wrong

  • Faizel Razak 2 years ago

    why is there a recap version? all of this content was posted earlier this week…

  • Om Prakash 2 years ago

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