Obama’s bike helmet scandal #shorts



  • YourMamaSaidSo 3 years ago

    Before cable news shows we didn’t see this type of disrespect. Can we buy FOX and change it….please!!!!

  • unclejoeoakland 3 years ago

    Don’t we have to set examples for kids?

    And jeezus would tucker and vlad just get a room already?

  • John D II 3 years ago

    He was just following the law.


    A combination of 22 states, including the District of Columbia, and about 202 localities do require a rider to wear a helmet: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
    Thirteen states do not require a rider to wear a helmet: Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, and Wyoming.
    State and local laws vary greatly depending on where you live and your age.
    Most bike helmet laws target youth riders aged 18 or younger.

  • Kyle 3 years ago

    Imagine how much worse they’d react if Obama posted a picture of himself shirtless on a horse

  • Angie Dickerson 3 years ago

    These people will make a big deal about an invisible unicorn, just to create strife and drama

  • Mikael Lindroos 3 years ago

    Hannity you are humiliated your country.You are the worst of the worst,destroy your country with your disinformation.I have to ask ,WHY??

  • diet weight best 3 years ago

    are you guys crazy? what’s wrong with the hamlet? isn’t it looked cooler than a shining white chest?

  • Devilish Dawg 3 years ago

    Trevor supports Niki manaj. SMH.

  • 808 Big Island 3 years ago

    I saw President Obama kitesurf. Every Foxster would instantly die. We wear helmets even on the water. I bike for 50 years with helmet. I downhill bike. I cracked a fullface helmet in a minor faceplant. Helmets and two wheels are mandatory. Blurting ifox diocy sells a lot of my pillows and earning australian Murdoch billions. How about looking into foreign interest and meddling with US interests?

  • closet to table 3 years ago


  • Brookie Cookie 3 years ago

    Is this actually what happened?


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