The Messed Up Hist-HER-y of Childbirth | The Daily Show



  • A Fanti 3 years ago


  • H H 3 years ago

    As a med student during the 1980s, while on my ObGyn rotation, we had an attending who talked a woman into having a c-section, just so he could complete the delivery in time to watch Miami Vice. I hated that frickin’ show so much probably because that a******ole liked it. So yea, most c-sections are unnecessary.

  • Fitzgerald Providence 3 years ago

    maybe in europe they were doing that

  • NotFunny ButFunny 3 years ago

    The Hi ster remix

  • Eddie KE 3 years ago


  • thr333 3 years ago

    Not only women get pregnant

  • Ballin V 3 years ago

    Is this before or after you ask them out?

  • Krystof S. 3 years ago

    I like this segment, but this effort to try and sum up the entire medical history around childbirth and pregnancy in a 5 minute comedy segment unsurprisingly leads to some problems. Like softly implying that no male doctor (or equivalent medical professional) had ever witnessed childbirth until after the Middle Ages. I’m just worried people might actually believe dumb stuff like that.

  • Nermin Huseinbašić 3 years ago

    Love you Desi a lot

  • L. A. Gothro 3 years ago

    Okay, my mom had me in 1964 when she was 38 years old; she’d had her last child in 1957, and a miscarriage in 1963 from being put on the Pill because they didn’t know she was pregnant and she was having lots of breakthrough bleeding (she’d been pregnant 3 other times, all ending in miscarriage, probably due to heavy endometriosis on one of her ovaries, but they didn’t know that back then). So having me was like having her first, and the nurse told her to shut up about the pain.

  • Zareksis 3 years ago

    It should be the baby choice! The baby freedom is being take away by these women and doctors… someone think of the babies Freedom!

  • L. A. Gothro 3 years ago

    Aw, I was hoping chainsaws were invented for vasectomies!

  • L. A. Gothro 3 years ago

    I’ve been meaning to ask this: Does Desi do her own makeup? Because it’s so well-done, and if she does it, I want tips on her technique.

  • Turtleproof 3 years ago

    The Greeks had some geniuses but they also speculated that rats spontaneously materialized from piles of old straw. I am not joking.


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