Ben Shapiro and Malcolm Nance on Critical Race Theory | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on August 6, 2021

Malcolm Nance and Ben Shapiro join Bill to discuss the “muzzle laws” being introduced by Republican lawmakers that seek to limit the degree to which educators can talk about race in the classroom.

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  • Jolie Sarah 3 years ago

    Malcolm Nance is ‘former’ CIA so of course he lies. The amount of gaslighting he does to Shapiro comes so natural to him.

  • Knot Apollo 3 years ago

    Wow Malcolm Nance cant even support his point so much that he tries to change the subject whenever he is backed into a corner LMAO

  • Jay jay 3 years ago

    Every society is fundamentally racist. In North America, in South America, Europe, Africa, Asia etc. Racism is the foundation of every nation. Isolated tribes in the Amazonas or Africa are very very racist. Nobody can deny that.

  • labsub 3 years ago

    ‘Critical Race Theory’, Psychoanalysis and Freudian nonsense.

  • Darius Armand 3 years ago

    Yo HBO enough with the goddamn fake applause and cheers, just let these people have a real conversation

  • Marco Amaral 3 years ago

    It’s a disservice to CRT that a Democrat is put in a position to defend it. CRT is a critique of Liberalism and thus, the Dem party too. This person has no position, from an ontological perspective, to defend CRT.

  • Shauna Urban 3 years ago

    How can anyone listen to this Shapiro guy? His voice is so annoying! I’m w Malcolm! Why even give someone like Shapiro a platform at all, because all he does is twist reality & bring down the level of any conversation,.It’s pointless,

  • Brendan R 3 years ago

    Ben fucking torched that dick at the end

  • rumor with legs 3 years ago

    Two white dudes explain to a black man “we should not be talking about race.” You love to see it.

  • A Houssein 3 years ago

    Keep the peasants busy

  • Jay Harmon 3 years ago

    Oof that was messy. Only the brit so far has bested him.

  • Master Teacher 3 years ago

    They do not teach CRT to grade school children. CRT is for collegiate level learning & law students. So this contrived fake news controversy is completely social engineering, far right wing white supremacist conspiracy theorists FOX News nonsense.

  • mark willies 3 years ago

    Shapiro is an odious fellow but Nance behaved like a complete prick and Maher looked like he needed a zorl.
    Nothing gained or advanced by this discussion.

  • Razz Matazz 3 years ago

    We know racism still exists – although it no longer exists as strongly throughout institutions as was the case in the past. So we shouldn’t over-magnify it. But Bill brings up a great point. What are we doing now to remedy it? It feels like more hand-wringing and denial rather than devising and implementing real solutions.

  • Relitica & Politigion 3 years ago

    You know you lost the debate when you have a religious conservative and an atheist liberal agreeing with each other against you.

  • Kevin Boone 3 years ago

    CRITICAL RACE THEORY involves numerous disciplines — law, history, economics, statistical analysis, education, mass communication, anthropology, human biology and health, for example. And personalities, “Georgia’s notorious “Bull” Connor, and racist and sociopath Donald Trump, for example, are not important as such. Could K-12 students comprehend a rigorous examination of health policy and law, how these inform heath outcomes of Native Black Americans, then offer solutions to mitigate disparities, for instance? Would they understand how to promote equity regarding mortgage and housing policy for poor Appalachian Whites? What about reparative justice for NBAs who, for slavery, segregation and custom, are preternaturally stuck at the bottom of indices of American well-being, including wealth creation? ETC. Grade school teachers are rarely qualified to teach CRT, nor their pupils prepared to conduct sophisticated analysis. It’s an elective taught to advanced undergraduate (bachelor), graduate (master’s/doctor of philosophy) and law (juris doctor) students, by professors with PhDs, JDs, or both credentials. Public school educators teaching the subject would be like QUACKS practicing medicine without a license.

    The real focus should involve who teaches grade school AMERICAN HISTORY, and what’s covered by grade-level. Degree-holders in Elementary Ed., Social Studies Ed., and Physical Ed. & Health/lol, generally teach it. IMHO, the country would be better served if the breadth and depth of American History were taught by people who know it, using textbooks and other resources absent white-washing, and doing the hard work of engaging parents and others in an honest discussion of why telling the truth is paramount, otherwise we get lies and political pornography, which damage democracy, citizen sanity, and America’s international standing.


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