CNN Is Selling Its Greatest Moments As NFTs And We Hope These Make The Cut | The Daily Show



  • Gabriel 3 years ago

    NFT idea: every panel of 19 “experts” in tiny boxes talking over each other. Or is that just… A Tuesday on CNN?

  • Majora's Sweater 3 years ago

    When are NFTs going to die off already

  • Iayae 3 years ago

    Relatedly, it seems we’re becoming more & more comfortable with not actually owning anything. From NFTs to movies to music, we’re essentially renting everything we consume. Some of us still have physical collections of things, of course, but it’s becoming rare enough that it bothers me. Maybe because I’m an old & still like the idea of “I worked hard to afford this & now it’s mine.” I don’t know.

  • Michael Polenin 3 years ago

    OK, but why the music is from John Oliver’s “And Now This” segment?

  • Daryl Dollars 3 years ago

    Biden said he served under Trump as vice president, the daily show won’t cover this because they want to maintain the narrative that trump is bad while the truth is Biden has lost his mind completely

  • Rocky Power 3 years ago

    ANOTHER funny segment brought to you by the funny people at Daily Show.
    CNN is laughing at self like Anderson Cooper did after watching this.

  • Russell Kaye 3 years ago

    these are only worth money if everyone agrees that they are valuable? How does this work? All of this content is available for free, now……millenials don’t make sense. sorry.

  • Øystein Algrøy 3 years ago

    Great video Trevor! It was legit awesome!

  • Joy Soyo 3 years ago

    CNN I haven’t watched in years.

  • Dan Bee 3 years ago

    Yes to the soundtrack for the classiest crew of the C’s, CNN. $hiiiet that channel free over the air and havent watched in it years

  • Friendly Bane 3 years ago

    The moment “Donald Trump became the President, at least in tone,” is a true classic. I was 2 years into my stay in the USA when I heard it and that line summed up CNN for me better than all the CNN memes.

  • Gabs Stay & Jay 3 years ago

    Trevor, you and your team are awesome!!!!

  • Raistlin Majere 3 years ago

    CNN: hello fellow kids would you like to buy my merch?


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