Conan Questions His Rank On Sona’s Priority List – “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend”

Published on June 17, 2021

Conan wonders where he’ll rank on Sona’s priority list after the birth of her twins.

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  • pj101 3 years ago

    He is right, sona wouldn’t be that famous and rich and met her husband without conan

  • Agressively Passive Person 3 years ago

    “bUt I… pAy YoU”

  • let gabe equal true; 3 years ago

    Conan is probably the best Ad-liber ever.

  • César Giménez 3 years ago

    2:50 But I… you

  • pj101 3 years ago

    Now that the show ends (damn) I hope they film the same while podcast (without the celebrities) and post it on YouTube

  • John Micheal Kane 3 years ago

    Matt should be on the new show. He has good chemistry.

  • Albert Enchia 3 years ago

    Hi Conan O’Brian this is the SkyWalker writing to comment about this post if I may, very funny: If I may Conan…chanting “we’re number four!” Is still top five in Sona’s life. SkyWalker imagines he were having a conversation with you we might say…
    Conan: Why number four SkyWalker, besides her husband and children what outrank me?
    Me: I don’t know, just leaving room for error.
    Conan: How have you been?
    Me: Shocked…shocked because I mispronounced the U.S Open champion Naomi Osaka name the first time I congratulated her.
    Conan: Would like to make amends now to Naomi Osaka?
    Me: Yes please; SkyWalker would like to congratulate the U.S Open Champion Naomi Osaka for her valiant win and apologize for calling Naomi Osaka the wrong name.
    Conan: What name did you call her?
    Me: It was a porn star, Maria Ozawa.
    Conan: How exactly did you know the name Maria Ozawa?
    Me: That’s not important right now Conan, the important thing is Naomi Osaka deserves SkyWalker’s congratulations and he is giving it to her.
    Conan: So no mention on why a porn star was mentioned instead of the United States Open champion.
    Me: No, let’s just say Naomi Osaka is a great tennis player and for SkyWalker messing up her name he wants to make it right.
    Conan: How so?
    Me: As a treat, SkyWalker will allow Naomi Osaka to embrace SkyWalker and give him a long warm hug.
    Conan: A hug is your apology to the U.S Open Champion Naomi Osaka?
    Me: Yes, but there are rules Conan.
    Conan: What are the rules to a hug?
    Me: She must be wearing a regulated tennis outfit, short skirt and tight shirt.
    Conan: Why are their hug rules?
    Me: Wait there more…when she initiate the embrace, the first few seconds are for her, meaning SkyWalker won’t hug back until she had a moment to bury her head into SkyWalker’s chest; after that moment…SkyWalker will place his strong arms around her body, completing the embrace and that Conan makes it a treat.
    Conan: You have an interesting hug formula.
    Me: I know, my hugs are legendary. May I mention something else?
    Conan: Sure.
    Me: SkyWalker released a lot of extraterrestrial data concerning conversations and know-hows, therefore SkyWalker was considering posting to his Dream App updated photos of some extraterrestrials just so people can see extraterrestrials still exist.
    Conan: That will be cool to see, how do you plan on doing it?
    Me: For SkyWalker it’s simple, just keep an eye on the Dream App because soon SkyWalker will post new pictures.
    Conan: Will do, thank you for your time SkyWalker.
    Me: Anytime, please relay my message to Naomi Osaka and tell Sona and Andy SkyWalker says hello, thanks.

  • whatsuphotdog 3 years ago

    the chemistry between these three is off the charts

  • DC World 3 years ago

    i thought conan was in his early 70s to be honest

  • Gerb McNuggets 3 years ago

    Fun Fact: Tac was named after the refreshing mint candies.

  • Patrick Day 3 years ago

    How can you be the middle of six kids

  • Fifthhoven 3 years ago

    “Okay, relax.”
    Sona should try that herself some time. That constant attitude.

  • R A 3 years ago

    “You think?!”

  • krupauk 3 years ago

    Are you going to do bank a job afterwards

  • M L 3 years ago

    I hope Sona names the twins Conan and Andy!!!

  • jp heeney 3 years ago

    Conans the best,you know hed be the most awesome friend but he pretends that he wouldn’t,so funny,hes exactly the opposite of Ellen.


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